If you're reading these lines, you may find some commonalities in our respective journeys to reach peace within.
I've been tormented many years, now I'm doing my best to live to the rythmn of the 'bigger man in me'.
A man who is free, liberated, enjoying life to the fullest, not living in fear, or from a fear perspective.
I've helped a colleague the other day. He was living in fear, a proud dad, a proud husband.
I told him 'it's ok not to be perfect, nobody is'. Live with passion, not in guilt, express your true self, be exuberant and have fun.
Begin all your days with your routine. Wake up at 5 a.m., meditate, smile. I guarantee your days will be filled with joy and happiness.
Just back from the gym, early in the morning, good sweat. Full of energy.
These days I'm reading Robin Sharma, the Leader Without a Title.
I once was an executive, now I'm much more. No one needs a 'title' to bring its best in every moment.
The ego may need a 'title', the passionate person in you needs no permission to shine.
Take care of yourself and others.
Be a true Leader Without a Title.
Thanks Robin.